Bring Home the Perfect Surprise!
AKC and CKC Registered Dachshunds Breeding
Welcome to Patti’s Dachshund Farm, where breeding Dachshunds is no small ordeal. I am a full service breeder of Miniature Dachshunds that believe in providing each and every client with the highest quality Dachshund Puppies for sale, not only in Alabama, but Nationwide. If you are looking for a lifelong friend, you have found the right place. I breed and sell mini dachshunds, “Weenie Dogs,” all colors and all hair coats. AKC came out and checked my kennels and dogs, and found everything good, and all my dogs healthy.
Since the very beginning, my love for the Mini Dachshund breed was very strong. With their unmistaken beauty and love for life, my dogs have enriched mine and my husband’s life. I strive to provide all of my clients with a top notch Dachshund puppy that will bring out that same feeling in them and start a lifelong passion for the breed. One of my little guys can warm any home or heart and bring joy to almost any one they come across.
No one knows the laughter of life like the mini Dachshund. Their adorable statures and lust for life make them the perfect pet and companion. Best known for looking like a hot dog, Dachshunds are short in height with longer bodies, making them compatible to any size home, or family. My adorable Alabama miniature Dachshunds are sure to lighten up your home, and open up your heart.
I am dedicated to breeding the finest miniature Dachshunds. Eliminating genetic defects, and health problems by overnight breeders, is my main goal. I am an Alabama miniature Dachshund breeder that produces from the heart not the wallet, if you are looking for a great puppy from a fellow enthusiast, not business person, Patti’s Dachshund Farm is the place for you. I look forward to hearing from you.

Join Our Waiting List:
I have Waiting Lists for my Puppies. It is a little different than many sites, it is “First Come First Adopt as Long as you are a Reputable Person and on the List. Here is how to get on my different lists. For Short Hairs, just email me one email per each color or pattern you are interested in. For example, if you want a Red, just go to the Subject Field on an email, and put Red Short Hair. If you don’t care about the sex of the Puppy, just say Short Hair Red on the Subject field of the email and you will be put on the list. If you want a certain sex put that as well, for example, Short Hair Red Female, and I will put you on the list. Do that for every color: Black and Tan, Blue and Tan, Chocolate and Tan, Isabella and Tan, and Red. If you want a certain Patten please put: Dapple, Piebald, Sable or Wild Boar. I do not have Brindles at this time. You do not need to put anything in the body of the email, unless you want to put your name and telephone number.
If you want a longhair, just put longhair on the Subject Field and that will get you on any longhair any sex. Again, if you want a certain sex put Longhair Male, for example. I do my very best to be Fair and Honest to everyone. I do try to treat others as I want to be treated.
Once the Litter is Born:
Once the litter is born, I wait a few days and post pictures on my site, and email everyone on the lists, of whatever the Puppies are.. Then it is first Come first Adopt as long as you are a Reputable person. Reputable means that you will treat my dog good, and make them apart of your Family. Email is the best way to get in touch with me, because many times I am out in the kennels. I can only call you back within certain hours, but you may get an email from me early in the morning, because a good Dachshund Breeder works sometimes 24 hours a day.
Questions for Future Families:
There are certain questions I will ask you: about being Reputable. For example, I want to know if you have a fenced in yard, or your living arrangements. Do you have a good Vet? Have you had a Dachshund or any type of Dog before? Do you make sure your Dog is vaccinated properly from your vet? Do you keep your Dog on Heartworm Preventative? Do you have small Children, and if so, you will need to teach them how to pick up your new baby Puppy properly. Do you have other Dogs or Pets in your home or in your family? These are the type questions I will ask you because again, I want to make sure you take very good care of my Puppy.
Additional Questions About Our Waiting List?
If you have any other questions about how to get on my waiting lists, just go to my website, and go to the Contact Page, at the top of my website, and send me a Message from there. That emails me. Then I will send you a detailed email: 1) About my Dogs, 2) How to get on the differenty Waiting Lists, 3) The Price Range, 4) andt the tentative Due Dates of litters coming up. Thanks again and have a great day.